Gay snapchat video

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Some community members spoke to Badolato about the terror attack, including a film student who frequented Pulse and said that the murderous attack “hits hard for me because you don’t know what’s really going on and you don’t know if people are okay.” Another woman said that it’s more likely that the terror attack was a “hate crime” instead of the work of a jihadi.Įlizabeth, a woman who went to Pulse that night and who received the Snapchat videos from the escaping club-goer, left Pulse at 1:45 am Sunday night just as gunshots rang out.

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Everything is under lockdown for the perimeter.”Īnother video taken by Andy Badolato, founder and chief executive officer of the USA Exchange and Breitbart News contributor, scans the scene outside the club. The next video message shows police cars parked outside Pulse with their lights flashing.Ī subsequent Snapchat video shows him saying, “So we can’t go anywhere. “Hey guys, so someone just shot up the club I was at, and there’s still gunfire. The video Snapchats show a message reading “AT PULSE TONIGHT COME THRU ORLANDO” with clips of performers and club goers dancing, but then the video cuts to a man fleeing the club.

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