Kukui pokemon gay sex

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'Did ya hear that Bounsweetie? Boss is in love wit anotha dude!' One grunt whispered They had little worried excited looks on their faces. Two boy grunts peaked in holding Wimpod plushies under their arm. 'Doesnt get any more sure than sticking ya junk in anotha man.'

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'Well.If he does have feelings, I gotta make sure first.' 'Plum, I don know what to do.I thought it was over but, do we still have feelinz?' Plumeria looked down with her hand on her chin, baffled by Guzma's story, trying to put it all together. 'WELL THATS WHAT HAPPENED! IT WAS ONLY FOR A SECOND UNTIL HE PULLED OUT!' 'His name's Sun.and they live togetha.and I decided to tease him a bit, just to mess wit him.and he.' 'YES! And I met him again last night.he.he's gotz a boyfriend now.' 'HAHAHAHA! That nerd who you used to date?' 'S-Shut Up! Ehh, sorry about dat Plum, its just.' Guzma blushed right red in embarassment and used his hands to cover up his crotch 'Guzma what cha' doin up so late eh? I know your a night owl but you are usually makin coffee or training Golis right now, not.uh.playing with little Guzma.'

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He reached his hand down to his crotch, but before he could start, Plumeria walked in on him. Guzma felt his boner grow larger and larger. How long he was, how wide he was, and oh how he made him moan. He thought to himself about how good it felt to have Kukui inside of him. Guzma sat in his room thinking about his experience with Kukui.

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